Most of the time when we think of church or a community, we think only of what happens on Sunday morning. Our community also thrives Monday through Saturday serving our local community, feeding people, and meeting in small groups.
Connect on Sunday Morning
Sunday mornings are what most people are familiar with. As a church community, we are made to be connected to each other. Just show up and hang out, see what we are all about, and have a chance to meet you. It is our people that make us an amazing community and you can be a part of that.
Connect During the Week
Connecting during the week is where true relationship happens. Sunday’s are good to say hello and have short conversations with each other. During the week we have many small groups happening to help keep us connected and strengthen friendships with one another and they usually involve food. Check out our small groups.
Connect by Serving
One of our big values it that “everybody gets to play.” Serving isn’t just for professional ministers—Church it’s something we’re all a part of, and we really find our place when we begin using our gifts and joys to serve. Sunday mornings happen because of people who volunteer on our teams to greet, make coffee, serve communion and more.
Once you consider Vineyard Community Church a place you’d like to know better, where might you be invited to serve?
Connect Doing Ministry
Most people hear the word ministry and they think only pastors or leaders can do it. The things we do (serve) for anybody, whether part of our community or from the surrounding areas, is called ministry. We connect with our ministries throughout the week—whether we’re caring for others and forming relationships, caring for ourselves or deepening our relationship with God.
Small Groups
Next S.T.E.P.S.
Membership Program